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Mint Museum of Toys: Hello Robota! {Make + Play}

After our exploratory journey to the Mint Museum of Toys earlier this year, we knew in our hearts that we will definitely be coming back again. All year round, especially during school holidays, Mint Museum of Toys does work very hard to come up with a slew of interesting workshops for everyone.

The museum is located at the end of a street behind South Beach Hotel Singapore. Just follow the arrow to your left.

Whimsical and chic themes are what defined Mint Museum of Toys. Big and Small M can’t wait to attend its Make + Play workshop.

Hello Robota!

We were warmly greeted by the museum’s staff, Khai and she shared on the stories and characteristics of different vintage robots – as we introduce highlights from the museum’s collection, including Robot Lilliput, one of the first toy robots to be produced in the 1930’s. Robot Atomic, Robot Hook, Robot Robby and Robot Astroman Dux. We were amazed by how robot toys evolved over time.

The kids were guided to attend an interactive robotics class conducted by Mr Winston Lau. It was really an eye-opener for some of us who were not that into robotics. During the lively session, every kids were given due attention and strongly encouraged to participate in discussion and throwing ideas on making robots. We felt attending such workshops can improve the kids’ Maths, critical thinking skills and learning how to troubleshoot when playing and having fun with Lego Mindstorms.

Learning through participation.

The kids get to learn the different mechanisms of how they make robots move.

Build My Robot

This was the moment the kids relish. Everyone gets to build their own robot from scratch using Lego bricks.

Instructional manuals were provided and it was fun watching how the kids try to build their robots. Step by step, slowly and surely…

Big M’s robot taking its shape.

Hey, if I can do it, you can too! Achieve a sense of satisfaction upon building your robot.

Program My Robot

Building a robot is fun, how about programming it to move? Winston gathered the kids and explained to them about programming their robots to move. Different scenarios were given and the kids were challenged to try out such as programming the robots to move in certain timing, changing of directions and calculating how many wheel turns it takes to reach the finishing line.

There is no right or wrong. Everyone gets the chance to trial and error and have fun during the session. Hey, they are learners and winners.

Did they have fun? You bet they did!

Every participants get to receive a free gift as well 🙂

Gift Ideas @ Museum

With Christmas round the corner, Mint Museum of Toys is a great place to shop for unique toys. Come on down today!

Mint Museum of Toys has organized a slew of fun activities this holidays.

Click their Facebook page to find out the latest activities.

Click their website to find out why you should visit the museum!

General Enquiries

Tel: +65 6339 0660
Fax: +65 6334 3373
Daily from 9:30am – 6:30pm

Drop them an email at

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