
We thank the Lord for all the great things he has done to our lives!

The idea of starting a blog has been on our minds for a while and we have been procrastinating. And then, lo and behold, Katong Kids Inc has birth forth. We created this blog to share the interesting journey of parenting that most of us face. Be it good or bad, as parents, we are well aware these experiences will make us better parents and learn a lot, definitely.

Why do you choose to blog about parenting? There are too many things to share in the blog space. Just parenting alone (you will know very well), it covers many aspects of family lifestyle, be it education, food, travel and parenting tips.

What/who inspires you to be a parent blogger? We would say my two lovely princesses, M&Ms. Kids grow up very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, they have grown up so much. We want to blog about their growing up years. This is a mobile diary for them to flip through for years to come.

Why name this blog as Katong Kids Inc? We love the eastside and most importantly, we are rooted in Katong, well-known for its strong Peranakan heritage. This blog is a brainchild of M&Ms. Hence, we named it this way.

How do you describe your princesses? They enjoy most activities which girls in their generation like, for example, arts and crafts, writing “love notes” for their Daddy and Mummy, reading and watching educational shows.

What other motivations do you have in doing blogging? This is a blog about family lifestyle and parenting. We hope to attract like-minded parents to share about parenting tips, great deals and anything that are beneficial for families.

Are there other topics you will blog about besides parenting? Why not, if we have the time. In as much as we can, we try not to deviate from our theme.

We can be contacted by email katongkidsinc@gmail.com for any enquiries.

Welcome to this little space of ours and join us on this journey!

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